
Running tests requires a Description object to provide the spec. Each spec is independent.

Tests are added to a Runner manually, which is passed a Formatter object on instantiation.

Once a spec has been added to a Runner, the runner is then executed, returning a Result object.

Result objects are able to be implicitly casted to bool, and can thus be used for returning directly from the main function.


There are a number of Formatter subclasses for printing to a terminal, including Verbose, Progress, and TAP. Progress prints out as a serious of periods, while Verbose prints a fully RSpec-like list of tests, coloring them to show their status and result.


Here's an example spec and the associated runner:

#include <cstdlib>
#include "cppspec.hpp"

describe strcmp_spec("int strcmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2 )", $ {
  auto greater_than_zero = [](int i){return i>=0;};
  auto less_than_zero = [](int i){return i<0;};

  it("returns 0 only when strings are equal", _ {
    expect(strcmp("hello", "hello")).to_equal(0);

  it("returns a negative integer when str1 is less than str2", _ {
    expect(strcmp("hello", "world")).to_satisfy(less_than_zero);
    expect(strcmp("0123", "1321431")).to_satisfy(less_than_zero);

  it("returns a positive integer if str1 is greater than str2", _ {
    expect(strcmp("yellow", "world")).to_satisfy(greater_than_zero);
    expect(strcmp("9", "789")).to_satisfy(greater_than_zero);

int main(){
  return CppSpec::Runner(CppSpec::Formatters::verbose)
             .exec() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;